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Speak Like a Swede
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Meet your teacher Stefan (1:24)
Meet your teacher Anneli (1:27)
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Your Very First Task
Speak Like a Swede Gym
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Anatomy of tongue, lips, larynx and vocal tract
Attractor states (2:31)
The Vocal Tract (4:33)
The Tongue Gym (9:23)
The Lip Gym (8:33)
The Larynx Gym (9:19)
Practicing your pronunciation muscles: Swedish vowel sounds
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i - e - ä - a (10:28)
y, ö, å, o (8:24)
u (5:47)
Swedish vowels long and short (1:34)
Perspective on Å, Ä, Ö (1:36)
Extra: Viby/Lidingö-i (2:11)
Practicing your pronunciation muscles: Swedish consonant sounds
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t, d, n, l (2:56)
-rt, -rd, -rn (7:20)
h (2:39)
r (7:03)
All consonants (1:29)
Consonant positions (image)
Consonant sounds with different spellings
Sj- sound (2:08)
Sj-sound (different spellings: ch-, g-, sch-, stj-, skj-, -ti-, -si-) (3:57)
sh- vs tj- (6:50)
tj- (different spellings: kj-, k-) (1:20)
sh- (different spellings: -rs-) (3:38)
j (+ different spellings: hj-, lj-, dj-) (2:43)
sk-, g-, k- before soft vowels (7:18)
-rg, -lg (3:59)
-gn (3:39)
More Accent Reduction Hacks
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Avoid the 'intrusive R' (1:52)
Dropped consonants in speech (18:24)
D becomes a soft R (2:22)
Stress and emphasis
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Syllables - long and short (10:20)
Stress in sentences (9:05)
Combined exercises
Counting exercise (6:30)
Swedish alphabet (2:12)
15 words with tricky pronunciation + discussion (29:39)
Place names with tricky pronunciation (12:38)
Combined sentences and tongue twisters (2:30)
Workout 1 (26:39)
Wrap up
Well done!
Your feedback
Speak Like a Swede Bloopers (0:31)
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